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Managing client relationships is at the heart of every successful business partnership.

The long-term connection organizations have with one another are more likely the result of the relationship and not the product or service being delivered.

You may have competition that will do what you do for less money. Or maybe there’s a firm that will promise a deliverable faster.


Without the skill to manage the relationship with customers, you will lose business.

With the ability to understand and predict the client’s needs, you will have a customer for life.

  • What sort of a return would we get if we invested in training our existing staff in Persuasive Communication?
    According to the Association for Talent Development (ATD), companies that offer profressional communication training programs have 218% higher income per employee than companies that do not invest in training their employees. Additionally, these companies also earn a 24% higher profit margin than those who spend less on training. This proves that continuously investing in training and development is the smart play for ensured business growth and success. ​ Those statistics don’t even take into account the level of customizing ECGPC’s clients experience. Due to our continuous customization, our delivered return on investment is significantly higher across the board than the ASTD study.
  • Is this concept viable for operations, sales, engineering and the like?"
    A survey of our client base will turn up engineers, operations personnel, scientists, consultants, IT professionals, and salespeople. Advocating a position certainly happens with external clients, but we also teach people how to move an idea through their own organization. We understand how corporate systems work. And we know that more often than not “no” is an easier answer than “yes.” This is why we make sure our clients understand the complexities of human behavior. In advocating for an idea or position, there is no magic approach. Persuasive Communication teaches people how to communicate to the specific person or group they’re dealing within a given setting.
  • Could we increase the penetration of our existing client base?
    Yes! The fundamentals of relationship-based selling allow you to do just that. Every client your organization currently works with is looking for someone to help them solve problems. The degree to which your Key Account Managers have relationships within the organization directly impacts your ability to solve those problems. This is a shift in thinking for many people. Your products and services are not enough. In fact, your direct competitors likely have the same or similar products and services. What sets an organization apart is not how they solve problems-it’s how well they build relationships with those whose problems need to be solved.
  • Could we expand our client base?
    Yes! It takes an understanding of the dynamics of human behavior to strategically expand a client base. Of course, understanding demographics and marketing to the right people have a tremendous impact, but it’s the connections we make with new clients that allow us the opportunity to do business with them. Persuasive Communication opens the doors to allow your team to communicate with the right people the right way.
  • What sort of leadership development could we provide with Persuasive Communication as the core?
    We’ve worked extensively with organizations looking to develop their leaders of the future. From Johnson and Johnson to the largest global environmental firms on the planet, ECGPC has developed multi-year leadership development programs that build an incredible global population of managers and key executives for the future growth and sustainability of our clients.
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