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The Ecliptic Consulting Group
Global Talent and Training Solutions for Your Enterprise
Advanced Advocacy Skills for Technical Personnel
Unique in the arena of human professional development, ECG/Persuasive Communication offers advocacy skills for professionals who must convince others of the weight and importance or relevance of their ideas.
Professionals in many fields should develop the skills and business savvy needed to meet the challenges of the modern workplace, including strong marketing and advocacy skills.
It is paramount to have a management philosophy reflective of the larger organization’s goals, articulated through a concrete statement of objectives, strategies, and tactics of how you will get to your goals. We must promote ourselves, our departments and our services to senior management. Polishing informal conversational skills for impromptu marketing and advocacy opportunities is as important in this regard as effective budgeting and proposal writing.
In this powerful module, each person receives the personal attention required to get maximum benefit from the program. By building their own persuasive model for their advocacy.
Clients as varied as Johnson and Johnson to the Chicago Board of Trade have used our Advocacy skills development course to further their business goals, get more ideas in action, and polish their people into powerful, persuasive individuals.
Executive Negotiation Skills
Persuasive Communication® demands that you are adept at negotiating. If you need to get something done with another person, you rarely order them to do it…you negotiate! Negotiating skills are crucial for everyone who works in teams, with other departments, and with clients.
Most negotiations take place within the context of an ongoing relationship. Persuasive Communication removes interpersonal tension, pressure, and anxiety by using negotiation skills.
To obtain a win-win outcome it is necessary to understand both your own beliefs, values and objectives and those of the other party. So, the skills that support negotiation success are important life and social skills. They include:
Understanding other people’s point of view
Checking out beliefs and assumptions (of both sides!)
Identifying areas of agreement
Points of leverage and blockages
Lateral thinking to find other ways of achieving an objective
Flexibility and sensitivity
The workshop presents the Value Added Negotiation model, an enhancement of an approach first developed by Maynard Garfield and popularized in over 40 years of customized seminars. This action-oriented approach will help you reach a true win-win outcome.
Extensive use of examples, case studies and practice negotiations will prepare you to use the Value Added Negotiation approach in the real world. Practice negotiations are custom tailored to reflect typical situations in your organization.
Positional vs. value added negotiation
Negotiating with different behavioral types (the HBA model)
Power negotiation countering tactics
Building Key Accounts
KAM is the Ecliptic Consulting Group’s practical guide to account management. It puts the reality into phrases such as building a business partnership a concept claimed by many companies but achieved by few. It tries to explain in usable terms what goes into an account plan and the other forms and processes of account management.
Using three continuing case studies, personal action points and accounts of actual successful (and failed) sales, this series will take you through the essence and detail of key account selling.
This is not a “quick fix” but a serious analysis of how one company can do business with another – for mutual benefit.
This course targets employees that call on key accounts, as well as those that support them.
Course Highlights:
Understanding the account planning process
Developing data and trending for key accounts
Identifying research resources
Developing a 12 month strategy for key accounts
Becoming a problem solving resource within your key account
Applying quality relationships to increase customer loyalty
Using your key clients as a guide, we build in seminar a real action plan to be carried out by a variety of people within your organization. This very much is a process course instead of a skills course. Attendees are encouraged to return after 6 weeks to review their actual results to the action plans. This course has a huge effect on the overall sales revenues for our clients.
Group Selling & Presentation Skills for the Technical Person®
Style impacts the perception of substance. The way people conduct themselves in front of a group goes a long way toward establishing credibility and trust with a client.
In a typical situation, a potential client may have sent out a Request for Proposal (RFP) to seven or eight different competitors. Most likely they have all responded with extensive written proposals, and may have invested $10,000 to $30,000 in time and expense. The potential client has had their technical staff examine each response as to the bidder’s understanding of the problem and technical adequacy of their approach to a solution. They then make a short-list of the two or three firms that are equally qualified to do the project.
All of the competitors are eminently qualified in their technical specialty, but most have never been trained in how to group sell; i.e., how to make the audience want to learn; how to handle hecklers who do not want to be there. The presenter has never been trained to sell the material “on stage.”
In response to these common situations, ECG/PC developed, Group Selling and Presentation Skills for the Technical Person. Topics include:
Understanding and persuading your audience
Customizing your presentation to the needs of the audience
How to properly pace the presentation
Encouraging and discouraging questions
Proper use of audio/visual technology
How to handle confrontation and gain group commitment
Understanding the organizational politics in the room
We use video and intense personal reviews to change behavior and create powerful presentations replacing weak, technical data-dumps.
This course is limited to 15 Participant-2 1/2 days.